2007年11月6日 星期二

Old Ladies Striving for Leftover from School's Lunch

今天晚上到餐廳晚餐時,看到電視新聞正報導著中部許多窮苦人家,尤其是老婆婆們,為了讓家人吃飽,只好跑到學校向校方乞討學童們未用完的營養午餐剩菜。即使只是剩下白飯與一道青菜,這些可憐的老婆婆們仍然搶著,得趕快打包回去,因為家中還有人等著這些剩飯菜要填飽肚子呢。The news report even said there was an old lady who had to ride on a bike and travel up to 10 KMs just for catch up the timing and get the leftover back for her miserable families. Her son is minor retarded, her husband is seriously ill, and her grandsons are still very little. Then, what about her daughter-in-law, we don’t know. Guessed she was gone due to not being able to endure such terrible life any more. What’s wrong with the society, or what’s wrong with this government?! We still see people rushing for luxurious goods and for expensive foods, and we also hear who just bought some mansions again… But, we are also seeing people suffering from poverty, illness, loss of jobs, and rising prices of daily products. Even myself, I have to remind of myself to cherish what I make these days.

The economic situations in TWN in all aspects have been getting worse & worse. Every day, we hear people are dying under pressure or for money. There are many people living in a very bad condition, jobless, no more financial resources, suffering from illness, and so on and so forth.
The prices of all things are rising, but seems what we make cannot catch up with what we have to spend. Can someone tell us what to do or what not to do, then we can improve what we are facing? My eyes were misty (almost cried out) when I saw the news on TV, and who can help them ASAP. How I wish I could help them with what I have. Can anybody help those who are in need? I want to help them, too. That’s my vow.
