早晚都聽到許多社團在校園各地展現活潑的熱力,好喜歡這種吵嘈的感覺。除了社團的迎新,各系的學長姊也都將迎新辦得很精彩。一下子又是迎新拔河比賽,不然就是吉他社的迎新吉他歌唱晚會,也有布袋戲社團表演社團,國際標準舞社等等。You name it, we have it. 晚上在校園裏漫步,各種音聲此起彼落,好美。
中午抽空到圖書館借書,那種「貪法欲」又出現了。恨不得能再多借幾本書,再儘快地將書K完。而晚上去上多媒體課時,也是一樣,恨不得快些學會老師所教的東西,這都是自己當年還是大學生所感受不到的求知欲,這麼地強烈。看著這些盡情揮灑美麗青春的少年家,我問自己,若是時光倒流,讓我再重回到當年的大學生活,我又將如何經營它呢?難怪有一句西方警語好像是說,Only the young knew;the old could. 大意大概就是指,願少者能知,老者能行吧。
2007年9月27日 星期四
早晚都聽到許多社團在校園各地展現活潑的熱力,好喜歡這種吵嘈的感覺。除了社團的迎新,各系的學長姊也都將迎新辦得很精彩。一下子又是迎新拔河比賽,不然就是吉他社的迎新吉他歌唱晚會,也有布袋戲社團表演社團,國際標準舞社等等。You name it, we have it. 晚上在校園裏漫步,各種音聲此起彼落,好美。
中午抽空到圖書館借書,那種「貪法欲」又出現了。恨不得能再多借幾本書,再儘快地將書K完。而晚上去上多媒體課時,也是一樣,恨不得快些學會老師所教的東西,這都是自己當年還是大學生所感受不到的求知欲,這麼地強烈。看著這些盡情揮灑美麗青春的少年家,我問自己,若是時光倒流,讓我再重回到當年的大學生活,我又將如何經營它呢?難怪有一句西方警語好像是說,Only the young knew;the old could. 大意大概就是指,願少者能知,老者能行吧。
早晚都聽到許多社團在校園各地展現活潑的熱力,好喜歡這種吵嘈的感覺。除了社團的迎新,各系的學長姊也都將迎新辦得很精彩。一下子又是迎新拔河比賽,不然就是吉他社的迎新吉他歌唱晚會,也有布袋戲社團表演社團,國際標準舞社等等。You name it, we have it. 晚上在校園裏漫步,各種音聲此起彼落,好美。
中午抽空到圖書館借書,那種「貪法欲」又出現了。恨不得能再多借幾本書,再儘快地將書K完。而晚上去上多媒體課時,也是一樣,恨不得快些學會老師所教的東西,這都是自己當年還是大學生所感受不到的求知欲,這麼地強烈。看著這些盡情揮灑美麗青春的少年家,我問自己,若是時光倒流,讓我再重回到當年的大學生活,我又將如何經營它呢?難怪有一句西方警語好像是說,Only the young knew;the old could. 大意大概就是指,願少者能知,老者能行吧。
2007年9月25日 星期二
My Own Broadcasting Station Online
I finally set up a personal Internet broadcasting station.
It is in http://www.shoutcast.com/, and my station name is Taiwan Newcomer and folks in genre.
It is still rough, and I only can play music and songs from the folders in my computer. It will take a while to make it better. I will try to see how far I can go then.
It is Mid-Autumn Festival. Happy Holiday to everyone.
I finally set up a personal Internet broadcasting station.
It is in http://www.shoutcast.com/, and my station name is Taiwan Newcomer and folks in genre.
It is still rough, and I only can play music and songs from the folders in my computer. It will take a while to make it better. I will try to see how far I can go then.
It is Mid-Autumn Festival. Happy Holiday to everyone.
2007年9月24日 星期一
Mother's Love for Son~
To avoid bad traffic jam for the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, I decided to take off up back to Tai-Chung this afternoon, but unfortunately, I ended up getting stuck up a little bit in waiting getting on board & highway for a while. It usually takes less than 3 hours to Taichung, but the bus ride this time was longer than 4 hours this time. Guessed there must be lots of people having same thinking as I.
When waiting for the coming bus, I noticed a mother and a son, who looked like a college kid. Mother was asking him if he needed more money while he was looking into his a little bulged wallet. From my viewing angle, I could not see if he had plenty of money, judging from his & his mother wearing, and I guessed the family did not do too well. I could kind of tell he didn't want to take his mother's money but didn't want to reject her kind offer, either. Finally, her mother tugged a coupled of $1000 NTD bills into his wallet, and I believe this was out of her unconditional love, care, and sacrifice. I took a deep look at her, and saw nothing particular, no pride, no hesitation, and no nothing. That moment really touched me so much.
I thought of my mother, too.
One of the major reasons that I gave up what I had in America and came back home was for my mother and father. I work from Mondays. to Fridays. in Taichung, but try to go home on weekend to spend time with my parents. Because I have been worried about my mother's physical condition and wish I should be of help for few years before I decide my next stage for life.
Yesterday, we had a kind of dispute in my going to visit a friend of mine. She was concerned that I would spend money that is not supposed again. Then, I was upset at being interfered with. I talked back to her and reminded her of my age, being close to 40. How could you bother telling me what to do and what not to, when I am getting 40?! When I was in NY, I was so free that I could decide what to do and the time to go out and come back. Now, just because I came back home, I have to be well tendered by you?! If so, then I'd better not come back and stay away from you. I believe then we will cherish the relationship even more. How bad I was!
But I was mad. I cannot be treated like a kid all the time, can I?
Well, guess this is another kind of mother's love.
While still on bus, being taking too long on highway, mother called me from home to my cellular and checked on me. I realized that was the love. How much I wanted to cancel the trip and turn around back home.
Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival, mother asked me if I really had to go up so early. After I explained to her about my concern, she had no choice but agreed with despite it being a holiday for family re-union. I told her I would still come home regularly on weekends. Well, she didn't want me to spend the holiday alone, though I have been used to "enjoying" all kinds of holiday with myself. By stuffing me 2 moon cakes, she told me at least I still enjoy the holiday with the moon cakes, the symbol of the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is mother's love.
That only makes me feel bad. So bad about people's relationships & love in the world. In Buddhism, seems we have to forgo those worldly chains and exceed oneself up to the status of nirvana. It is contradicting, huh?
Hope all mothers in the world be able to enjoy kids' love with joy all the time.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
When waiting for the coming bus, I noticed a mother and a son, who looked like a college kid. Mother was asking him if he needed more money while he was looking into his a little bulged wallet. From my viewing angle, I could not see if he had plenty of money, judging from his & his mother wearing, and I guessed the family did not do too well. I could kind of tell he didn't want to take his mother's money but didn't want to reject her kind offer, either. Finally, her mother tugged a coupled of $1000 NTD bills into his wallet, and I believe this was out of her unconditional love, care, and sacrifice. I took a deep look at her, and saw nothing particular, no pride, no hesitation, and no nothing. That moment really touched me so much.
I thought of my mother, too.
One of the major reasons that I gave up what I had in America and came back home was for my mother and father. I work from Mondays. to Fridays. in Taichung, but try to go home on weekend to spend time with my parents. Because I have been worried about my mother's physical condition and wish I should be of help for few years before I decide my next stage for life.
Yesterday, we had a kind of dispute in my going to visit a friend of mine. She was concerned that I would spend money that is not supposed again. Then, I was upset at being interfered with. I talked back to her and reminded her of my age, being close to 40. How could you bother telling me what to do and what not to, when I am getting 40?! When I was in NY, I was so free that I could decide what to do and the time to go out and come back. Now, just because I came back home, I have to be well tendered by you?! If so, then I'd better not come back and stay away from you. I believe then we will cherish the relationship even more. How bad I was!
But I was mad. I cannot be treated like a kid all the time, can I?
Well, guess this is another kind of mother's love.
While still on bus, being taking too long on highway, mother called me from home to my cellular and checked on me. I realized that was the love. How much I wanted to cancel the trip and turn around back home.
Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Festival, mother asked me if I really had to go up so early. After I explained to her about my concern, she had no choice but agreed with despite it being a holiday for family re-union. I told her I would still come home regularly on weekends. Well, she didn't want me to spend the holiday alone, though I have been used to "enjoying" all kinds of holiday with myself. By stuffing me 2 moon cakes, she told me at least I still enjoy the holiday with the moon cakes, the symbol of the Mid-Autumn Festival. This is mother's love.
That only makes me feel bad. So bad about people's relationships & love in the world. In Buddhism, seems we have to forgo those worldly chains and exceed oneself up to the status of nirvana. It is contradicting, huh?
Hope all mothers in the world be able to enjoy kids' love with joy all the time.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival
2007年9月20日 星期四
今晚又參加另外一個社團迎新 ^_^""
今晚又參加了另外一個社團--圍棋社。不是我又要搞怪,或裝怪叔叔,是真的想學圍棋啦。誰教我少小無知又不努力呢。亡羊補牢,猶末晚也。Better late than never.
Getting to feel very difficult to be an open-minded leader। Because you have to learn how to lead people with setting up a good example and to correct follower’s errors with wisdom, it takes strong determination to make it।
Also, never have the mindset to talk about people behind their backs. Complimenting them is ok, but no bad mouth.
I vow to be a better person and help as many people as I can.
Getting to feel very difficult to be an open-minded leader। Because you have to learn how to lead people with setting up a good example and to correct follower’s errors with wisdom, it takes strong determination to make it।
Also, never have the mindset to talk about people behind their backs. Complimenting them is ok, but no bad mouth.
I vow to be a better person and help as many people as I can.
2007年9月19日 星期三
好窩心收到妳的回信,從大一到多年以後的現在,那種感覺一直還在,真好。 也再謝謝妳。^_^咱們另一老同學主演的影片在柏林片影展得獎的消息,在我一回來台灣之後,就立刻得知。看著照片裏的他,一點都沒變,感覺真好。我也與有榮焉。他跟我的友情,是從「理二舍」開始的,或許可能暫時停格,但相信它還在持續當中。
我上班的地方,就在當地大學裏的育成中心 (是由政府與大學合作的計畫,由政府補助些錢,而大學提供相關系所技術與場地--辦公室--並以低廉的租金,招請外面的剛創業的小公司進駐,我負責行銷工作。)
這幾天,各社團都在努力招收新生,經過幾番掙扎,也是想學一些多媒体的設計,剛好辦公室工讀生 也認識多媒体設計社團的老幹部,就透過工讀生的介紹,鼓起勇氣報名登記,重新成為一名社團新生了。哈,真是勇氣可嘉呢。今晚是咱社團迎新,我也去了唷。看到他們的迎新活動內容與台上表達與介紹,雖然生澀 (Sorry, 是以一名老年次的怪叔叔來看的),但我也覺得很可愛,很真。這就是大學生的展現啦。當然,我也少不了得上去自我介紹。一隻老老的怪叔叔上台說話,怪難為情的。內容不外乎感謝社團為大家辦迎新,也很高興認識大家,希望向各位「學長姊」以及「同學」學習等等。我發現我竟然還會大舌頭呢! 儘管如此,也許是一隻怪叔叔的小感言,倒博取了不少同情的掌聲。真的好久沒當大學生了,尤其是新鮮人,快二十年了吧。
也喜歡妳還叫我Blue, 也是一種熟悉吧。
好窩心收到妳的回信,從大一到多年以後的現在,那種感覺一直還在,真好。 也再謝謝妳。^_^咱們另一老同學主演的影片在柏林片影展得獎的消息,在我一回來台灣之後,就立刻得知。看著照片裏的他,一點都沒變,感覺真好。我也與有榮焉。他跟我的友情,是從「理二舍」開始的,或許可能暫時停格,但相信它還在持續當中。
我上班的地方,就在當地大學裏的育成中心 (是由政府與大學合作的計畫,由政府補助些錢,而大學提供相關系所技術與場地--辦公室--並以低廉的租金,招請外面的剛創業的小公司進駐,我負責行銷工作。)
這幾天,各社團都在努力招收新生,經過幾番掙扎,也是想學一些多媒体的設計,剛好辦公室工讀生 也認識多媒体設計社團的老幹部,就透過工讀生的介紹,鼓起勇氣報名登記,重新成為一名社團新生了。哈,真是勇氣可嘉呢。今晚是咱社團迎新,我也去了唷。看到他們的迎新活動內容與台上表達與介紹,雖然生澀 (Sorry, 是以一名老年次的怪叔叔來看的),但我也覺得很可愛,很真。這就是大學生的展現啦。當然,我也少不了得上去自我介紹。一隻老老的怪叔叔上台說話,怪難為情的。內容不外乎感謝社團為大家辦迎新,也很高興認識大家,希望向各位「學長姊」以及「同學」學習等等。我發現我竟然還會大舌頭呢! 儘管如此,也許是一隻怪叔叔的小感言,倒博取了不少同情的掌聲。真的好久沒當大學生了,尤其是新鮮人,快二十年了吧。
也喜歡妳還叫我Blue, 也是一種熟悉吧。
2007年9月11日 星期二
Grammatical Errors
Just found out I made some errors in my very first article.
Man~ This is a bad beginning~
Man~ This is a bad beginning~
走了九十九 - 99goer
This is my very first time when I want to do something out of my interest. I am not sure if I can make it the blog, but I try. In fact, I want to do my own Internet radio station. Guess it will take much time & effort to make it. Thus, I will go by step by step, and hope I will not give up.
Just like I have gone 99 steps, but one more step I will make it. Therefore, I call myself the 99goer, meaning, I still have one more step to go~
Just like I have gone 99 steps, but one more step I will make it. Therefore, I call myself the 99goer, meaning, I still have one more step to go~
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